Friday, September 15, 2006

unstuffed fall goddess doll for swap

this is from the letterheads group and i am sending this to joanne r. i hope she likes it.
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page 2 of my spread for zetti journal RR

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page 1 of my spread for zetti journal RR

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intro/instruction page for zetti journal RR

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sign in page for zetti journal RR

inside front cover with blocks for each player to sign in on. zetti, no?
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cover of zettijournalgirls book

i don't know why this looks shiny, but there you go. this is the front cover of my book for a zetti journal RR. i had originally planned to use all black/white/gray pages, but decided that might be too much of a stretch for people to go colorful zetti on, so i used the black cover and the pages inside are regular old wide-ruled composition journal pages that can be fantastically colored to everyone's zetti heart's content.
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Friday, September 08, 2006

postcards for RAKs received from letterheads

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in the dharma cafe book

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my work in the Dharma Cafe RR book

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comp jour for swap (back)

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comp jour decorated for swap (front)

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in Marissa's black book

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in Marissa's book

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my pages in Marissa's black book

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letterheads HIDDEN postcard swap

effort number two. i like this one better anyway.
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letterheads RAK postcard

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ZETTI HOLIDAY postcard swap

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letterheads NUMBER ONE postcard swap

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FUNNY FACE postcard swap

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Zetti Holiday postcard

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letterheads BLUE postcard swap

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letterheads RED postcard swap

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letterheads "Sin of Pride" postcard swap

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?
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letterheads Number Three postcard swap

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letterheads vegetable postcard swap

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