Monday, June 28, 2010

Vale's cj June 2010

my first foray into the GPP Street Team realm. this is still in Vale's journal, but it also qualifies for the Grid Lock theme Michelle Ward put on the Street Team page this month. since this bunch of 8 tags, i have made 17 more of this size and 9 of a size i hand cut to fit in a local partnership journal i am doing. last night as i was telling my non-artist sister how many tags i've done lately i was sort of wondering what i am going to do with them all. a few minutes ago i was walking past the pile (which i found fibers for last night) and realized that i could totally use it as a journal. i can use an O-ring to put them together and journal on the backs of them. i am/have been pretty rigid in my what-is-a-journal-and-what-is-not-a-journal thoughts for a loooooooong time. i am 51, i can branch out now and not be considered a crazy, rash youngster, so i just may do it. woo! anyway, these tags had their bottoms cut off so they would fit in the grid background and, of course, i have the pieces to be used in other stuff or maybe make tiny tags out of. these tags are glued down and not easily removable from the spread. it was fun fun fun. i've been having a blast using up snippets of 'stuff' i've been collecting for-ev-er.
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Vale's cj June 2010

Vale says she loves my blah blah pages so i did one just for her. this one was more planned than the gray one. this one is sort of about someone else, but since i did not use names and Vale will not ever meet the subject of the spread, i don't feel like i betrayed a confidence. also, the subject does not look at this blog. just some background stuff and the writing. an example of what a lot of my personal blah blah journals are FILLED with.
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Vale's cj June 2010

i've been watching a LOT of youtube vids lately. loving it. not loving how youtube subscriptions don't seem to be deletable, but that could just be me. i don't know. or care very much. anyway, i am trying to do better backgrounds. i did this one with dictionary pages and paint and squares cut from german napkins (serviettes). then i used stencils and hand-carved rubber stamps for the black parts. i punched a couple of hearts and glued them down and then covered them with crackle accents. i found out that heat setting crackle makes it not crack. or not for me anyway. so, i am not sure what this page is really about, but i like it and decided not to force anything more on it.
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Vale's cj June 2010

i mixed some white gesso and black paint and ended up painting a spread or a page in every art journal i had in the house at the moment. for this one i cut out some circles i had painted with watercolor paints and then coated with Golden's glass bead gel. they are cool, i like that gel. i got it as a freebie with a Dick Blick order one time. anyway, i had something on my mind and spilled it onto the page. the sentiment is not arty, but it is what was on my mind when i did the spread...
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