Monday, September 28, 2009

Tessa's cj september

the page five and six spread. i love doing the name pages and this one was one more where i played with grunging up the pages and the paint. i am trying to figure out why so many people love layers of paint and paper and covering so much stuff up sometimes, so this one had a coat of way-too-bright paint so i layered some watered down gesso over it to soften it. i like the way this one came out. the crows in party hats are from a stamp sheet i bought at art unraveled last year by lost coast designs. i will definitely be using them again. don't they just add to the party atmosphere?
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Anonymous said...

Cool grunge look!

Timaree said...

I just went through your pages one through six. I love how you are mixing styles. That keeps it exciting. You have some very nice pages. I am sure Tessa, whoever she is, will love it.

I'm always looking for my style too. Maybe most people are. My daughter tells me she can pick my work out of most because something will be a bit off. I like to bring a little chaos to the mixture if it looks too static. I don't think she'd be able to pick mine out amongst mixed media artists though.