Saturday, September 04, 2010


it was getting long and i wasn't happy with the way it looked, so i cut it! i lost a bunch of hair a few months ago so now i have to 'artfully' arrange it so the spots don't show. good thing i'm an artist, yeah? sheesh. i just started taking evening primrose oil, biotin and a big dose of super B complex. hopefully some of the hair will grow back fast. i have a bunch of shortie ones that are there, but don't help the style much since they are shorties. such is life...
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Bea said...

Well, it looks fine to me. You actually cut it yourself. If I tried that I would end up with a cut earlobe. Well done. :)Bea

malissamae1 said...

Hi Juliet, this is Malissa. I would love to have you be part of my swap. I just need to know the paper you would like to use. With the size of the calender page being 4x6 you can get 6 cuts per 12x12 page. So to make 12 pages you will need at least 4 papers for the front and back of the page. And maybe 1 xtra paper "just in case lol" I hope this helps when you order the paper. 5 pieces of the paper you choose to use on the calender. When you let me know your paper choice I will be more than happy to add you to the swap. Love your work :) Very nice!

Scatter said...

Here's hoping it comes back. You must do a great job. If you hadn't said anything I wouldn't have known