Tuesday, November 03, 2009

3rd november art every day challenge

i beaded all day, but feel like this art every day challenge should be paper or something similar. if there were a word for equator but meaning four instead of two, that is the word i would use to name this piece. quatrator? quadrator? black gesso on white paper. white gel ink and black glaze ink pen for the branches (a stencil from the book Stencil Me In). acrylic splotches of black and white on the opposite colors. this background was inspired by a shirt tony soprano was wearing in one of the episodes i watched a few months ago.

i am sort of wondering what else i could do with this stencil. maybe i should do a study of this stencil and all the ways i can think of to use it. interesting idea. maybe i need to do 'tree stencil every day' when art every day is over.
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