Wednesday, February 24, 2010

CJ 2010 my work/my book

a little ditty about where inspiration comes from. an an ink blot. what do you see? only kidding. but then again, it is kinda a profile of a butterfly in flight, right? what does that tell you about me, doctor? and i made up a silly thing on the left-hand page. because i am a dork. and i live alone and sometimes i have to make myself laugh since there is nobody here to do it for me. eh, hem. so, these are the pages i did in my 2010 calendarjour before mailing it out into the world for other pepole to play in. i love doing this stuff! bon voyage, little book. be safe. come home full of stories and art.
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Bea said...

Well, laughter is always a good thing and if you can make yourself laugh then you are good to go. :)Bea

Lorraine said...

Hi Juliet! Thanks for your comment on my video/journal. Looks as if you are keeping busy!