Wednesday, February 24, 2010

CJ 2010 my work/my book

i don't remember what i was googling for when i found this bird (yes, i modified her eye, don't freak out!), but i printed her and she was sitting on my desk and ended up on this page. i am obsessed with dictionary pages lately so i've been using them in quite a few things. i suppose i could/should prove that statement by putting more here, but whatever... the blue circles were made with both ends of a cough medicine measuring cup thing. the hearts are punched with a martha stewart punch out of starbucks cup protectors (or whatever you call them). i am also obsessed with hearts punched out of cardboard, go figure. i am also feeling a little bit broken-winged and need to remember that i can still fly. it just takes some practice, some determination, and getting OUT there. maybe i'll see YOU out there!
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