Tuesday, September 06, 2011

positive thinking everyday 1

i am taking a year-long class with Dale Anne Potter right now. it started on august 15th. this is the "i am" page. i have not finished the doodling part of it. i am not inclined to doodling, but i have some doodle-type image rubber stamps. the fact that these stamps exist lets me know i am not the only one who loves the look, but lacks the gene!

this list made me realize that when doing a project like this i tend to put down the things i see myself as in the most positive terms. right around the time i did this i had done a couple of things that are not positive or nice or loving or many of the words/traits here. i wondered if i should be putting down the negatives, too. but this is a POSITIVE THINKING workshop. and my blahblah journal contains plenty of examples of my negative actions, thoughts, and words. thankyouverymuch.
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1 comment:

Dale Anne Potter said...

THANK YOU for being in this workshop Juliet!
GREAT first page and YES, doodling is easy for some. Its about taking the time to think about YOU that was the important part of this exercise.